APP LOCK (FakeCrash+ SafeSMS) v2.0.0
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Overview: Privacy Master Premium: “All-In-One” App Lock with Most Needed Features
Privacy Master Premium: “All-In-One” App Lock with Most Needed Features:
- You can Lock ur Apps from anywhere thru SMS
- Complete Arrest phone in case of theft
- Lock or Fake crash apps
- Receive secured SMS from loved ones
- You can hide SMS notification
- Anti-Theft-Alarm integrated
+ Promising Performance & Effective Power-Saving
+ Remote-Lock: In case you misplaced your phone at office/home lock your apps and data through SMS.
+ Theft-Lock: In case your mobile is stolen lock critical apps through SMS and make the phone unusable by the thief.
+ Receive Protected SMS: Now your loved ones can send personal sms more freely.(See below 4 more details)
+ Creative Widget: Before lending ur phone just touch this widget, all your preselected apps will be protected.
+ Easy to Unlock: Why to meddle with annoying pattern lock when you can enter passcode in a simpler way.
+ FakeCrash: Fool your friends who often tamper your apps/games by displaying a “Crash msg” instead of prompting for passcode.
+ Hide SMS Notification: Incoming SMS will not be notified in the notification bar.
+ Fake No SMS received: When active all your received SMS will remain unread in your Message inbox & Message App icon will not show you the newly received SMS count.So your friends will no more be tempted to open your incoming messages.
+ USBLock: Blocks data transfer from phone/sdcard thru USB.
+ Lock Google Play: Blocks google play store.
+ No Repeated Authentication: Option to enable one time authentication i.e. all your locked apps once unlocked will not prompt your to enter passcode again until you
lock your phone.
+ Voice Alerts: Does someone tamper your phone after you fall asleep? Use voice alerts to notify when someone tries to unlock the protected apps.
+ Autorun on Reboot: Even if the phone is restarted your protected apps will remain protected.
Go to App Settings->Remote-Settings->Set your own Remote-Lock keyword (Default:PMPLock) Note: It’s case insensitive. This keyword should be the starting word of your Remote-lock SMS followed by on/off and app names separated by space.
Supported Apps for Remote Lock and its corresponding keywords:
SETTINGS – settings
TASK-MANAGER – taskmanager
CONTACTS – contacts
GMAIL – gmail
GTALK – gtalk
GALLERY – gallery
PHONE – phone
MESSAGE – message
MEMO – memo
MAPS – maps
USB – usb
E.g:Remote-Lock SMS samples
pmplock on – Starts Protection and will protect the preselected apps
pmplock on contacts gallery usb – Starts Protection and will lock “contacts”,”gallery” & “usb” along with the preselected apps pmplock on fake gmail – Starts Protection and will display crash message when someone opens gmail and the preselected apps
pmplock off – Stops Protection
In case your phone is stolen, your immediate action must be to secure your apps and data. So send the following SMS to your phone.
pmplock on theft – This msg will start Privacy Master Premium in Theft-mode which will lock almost all apps and so your phone becomes unusable. Even if restarted it will protect your apps and data until the right Passcode is entered.
All you need to do is to share your Remote-Lock keyword to your loved ones.
Now they can send protected sms by having the keyword followed by “on” and their sms content.
pmplock on message Hi, missing you.:(
The above sms will automatically start Privacy Master Premium and will lock the message app so that only if unlocked, the sms can be read. So from the second msg onwards they need not use the “pmplock on message” keyword.
I sincerely thank u all for using my apps and also for providing me the valuable feedbacks and suggestions which is helping me to make
better apps. Looking forward for your support to Privacy Master Premium.
- Deepsman
P.S:Encouragements are welcome in the form of ★★★★★
This app has NO advertisements
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